Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What is error code 10 and how to fix it

Many windows xp and vista users have sometimes run into the Error code 10 problem and just don;t know what they did that it pops up. Suddenly things don't work, sometimes computer is freezing, the internet in sot working and all kind of windows errors and missing dll files pops up. Those problems and of course error code 10 problem is caused by registry errors and invalid entries.

Error code 10 is caused by registry errors and invalid entries. This happens when installation and uninstallations of programs make changed at the registry entrie. Either it adds or change keys in the registry which is causing the Error code 10. To fix that all you need to do is download a registry cleaner and run a scan and fix on your computer. After the registry is fixed, the Error code 10 won't return and it is 100% checked.

More things that a registry cleaner will fix:

For more information and reviews on registry cleaners get to my Registry Cleaners Reviews Site.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Windows running slow? Read this

If you've arrived to this page than probably you face the same problem that thousands of Windows users are having. Your windows is running slow. Well, don't worry, that problem is very known and common and have a few solutions.

The first Solution to speed up windows

Well, I'm pretty sure you won't like the first solution but it is a solution and should be considered. The first solution to the slow running computer problem is to simply format your computer, you know, sometimes it is the best option, sometimes it is working so damn horrible that only format will help. Although before you decide to format you should consider trying the second solution which is simpler and very easy and fast.

The second solution - Registry cleaner

The windows running slow problem is caused by registry errors and invalid entries. To Speed up your computer, you need to clean your registry from those errors and invalid entries. To do that all you need to do is download a Registry Cleaner and run a scan on your computer. Once the scan is finished, a report will show that lists all of the registry errors and invalid entries. You'll have the option to fix them. Do it, restart your computer and it will surely work faster. I recommend using RegistryEasy as it is a very trustable and safe software to use. Be careful at which registry cleaner you choose, as it can fix your computer, it can also mess it up really bad.

Click here to download RegistryEasy!

For more information about registry cleaners go to my site Registry Cleaners Reviews and my squidoo group Windows errors and problems.